
Showing posts from June, 2021
  New business card! Looks like I'm getting serious!
"Remembering" © 2021 “I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that deep within you don’t already know.                        All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten.” ~ Eckhart Tolle                           Remembering We can remember an era long before time began   Existing beyond the acceptance of hatred and violence. We can recall this paradise which was sadly lost, This nurturing era of abundance and plenty, When wise women were revered as leaders, And commonly served as equals with men.   We can remember an idea of unity That was shared freely among all people, Where cooperation and a relationship to nature   Ensured a value and respect for all living things, A time when the loving mother/child bond   Was the template for all relationships of humankind. We can remember a peace lasting for many millennia   Before the thundering sky-gods came Bringing their ways of war and separation. We can recall a perceptive people who honored The creative mysteries cont
                             Sunrise Shapeshifting "Sunrise Shapeshifting" © 2021 “The pathway to power lies in wisdom and understanding of one’s role in the Great Mystery and in honoring every living thing as teacher.”                                                                                               Jamie Sams, Medicine Cards The early morning sun, not quite above the horizon, began changing the dusty grayness of the night into an awakening landscape of yellow and orange. A mule deer gracefully leaped out of the shadows into the inviting light of the new day. Overhead a snowy owl soared through the receding night sky watching the stirrings of life below as it was beginning to wake up to greet this very special day. Everything in nature knew what was going to happen today. Animals could sense this energy of anticipation, even the wooded forest was quieter than usual, and there was so little movement of air it seemed as if the wind were holding its breath.   But Ja