Gift of the Jaguar


"Gift of the Jaguar" © 2020


The radiant Blue Star illumines the darkness in the moonless North sky,

Frozen and silent, yet appearing to be the ultimate source of all life.

In fulfillment of its destiny, the star reveals the great quest awaiting humanity

That will violently and completely transform the heart of fear in everyone.

Turning South, the Crescent Moon invites light into a crimson colored sky,

And a Red Star appears, as if signaling the beginning of a grand tournament.

It creates vortices of scarlet energy whirling around so as to awaken everyone

To the immediate challenge of committing to finally changing our ways.

In the West, the light of the Gibbous Moon illuminates raging yellow fires

Relentlessly consuming all life, like an angry, voracious dragon.

It threatens to destroy everything we thought we ever needed,

While leaving a void of expectation and grief in the smoldering ashes.

In the midst of chaos anxious beings pursue a desperate search for survival,

While an ominous, dark image slinks in giving vision to even greater fear.

A large black jaguar, snarling and hissing, looks deeply into the heart of humanity, 

To that place of terror that has held everyone captive in a deep, soulless place.

The old order we thought would never end falls apart, as many run in chaos, 

And those who believe in their disempowerment drop to their knees as victim.

But still others, in the midst of panic, dare to meet the gaze of the jaguar, 

Confronting their fears while standing fast and claiming their right to be heard.

The landscape of change is now visible under the White light of the Full Moon,

While those who dared to touch the jaguar are transformed and gazing to the East.

They feel the presence of Earth within, as each heart becomes a symbol of its sacredness,

And at last the awareness held by all envisions a belief in the truth of Oneness.

A restored Earth now shines as a star, and the jaguar is no longer a threat to safety.

The transformation of humanity’s belief in fear has birthed a knowledge of a new order.

All creation opens like a blooming flower in its expression of this new paradigm.

The dark night has ended, and the sun rises on the dawn of a new and promising day.




  1. This story of the jaguar brings us hope for positive change.


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