House of the Heart 


“Under the Light of the Full Flower Moon”© 2020



                          Under the Light of the Full Flower Moon

As the big orange sun sets below the horizon, and the Flower Moon rises high in the sky, the ceremonial fire is lit. The drumming begins, breaking the evening silence, and you are called to a special place to be among women. You and all women are summoned to the sacred Tent of Red Thread, where you can sense the presence of an ancient energy as you walk slowly up the pathway leading to the entrance.  A winged woman greets you by name as you enter the red tent, and you walk around a circle of stones to find your place among this family of women. 

When you look into the eyes of each woman in the circle, a remembrance within you begins to awaken a memory - one that has been waiting for a long time to be heard and felt. As the ball of red yarn is passed around the circle, each woman has an opportunity to speak of what is in her heart, while all listen intently with full attention of both ears and eyes. In this honored sharing, something shifts, and the Divine Feminine Eye opens, inspiring all the women to see life differently in a new spiritual light.  When the ball of red yarn is in your hands, you find your voice, and speak about your piece of the red thread - your own personal role in the evolution of things. The bond is set, and all women connect deeply to one another while experiencing the vibrations of love that fill the tent. 

As compassion grows within each woman, an inner benevolence is felt- a goodness so ancient and ever present, and yet it is newly born and revealed tonight to every women in this magical ceremony.  A song fills the tent and a higher energy is felt bringing forth a jubilance that erupts into ecstatic dance. As you and the other women celebrate your joy, all of you grow with the wisdom of your true Self,  acknowledging the vital role of every woman’s destiny. The Tent of the Red Thread sways with such merriment that it sends messages of healing to every part of the cosmos.  Wounds are healed, hearts are mended and all are comforted. 

Great Mother looks down at the radiant red tent and smiles with an affection only fully known in the heart of the Divine Feminine. As Great Mother calls each woman by name, She blesses each one in her journey that is transforming the world. The wondrous cycle of Love that sustains the web of life, and indeed all creation, is now complete as the Red Thread ritual ends.   The radiant moon spreads its light over the Earth like the petals of a flower in full bloom. One by one the women leave the Tent of the Red Thread under the light of the Full Flower Moon. You and this community of inspired women now have a vision of your sacred service to a hopeful world. And so it is!


  1. I love this inviting sacred tent!

  2. as do I. It began with the reading of The Red Tent and has lodged deeply and beautifully, in my soul.


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