“The Call of the Cosmos”


"The Call of the Cosmos" © 2020

The universe is calling you to the gateway of change… to a path through an ancient stone archway with carved archetypal symbols that hold the same cosmic mystery you have deep within you. This pilgrimage beckons all souls who are willing to release old perceptions and beliefs that no longer function to sustain the web of life. Only those with courage to brave this unknown terrain are invited to make this arduous trek of transformation. As you begin to remember who you really are, you daringly move through the archway of this ancient rock portal. Before you lies a vast luminous labyrinth spiraling its way through the starry cosmos. Taking a step onto the star-filled path of this labyrinth, you sense a releasing of all the illusions that you thought defined you and your world. With each step forward toward the center, another illusion drops away from your consciousness, as you watch the reality, you used to call home, take on a new vision. A perpetual flame in the center of the labyrinth, burning with the energy of unconditional love, illumines the path through this unknown territory.  

Reaching the center, you sit down by the welcoming flame and begin to contemplate a new image of yourself and your world. You are not separate from others, but rather are part of a network of creation, all blessed in receiving the good of the universe.The destructive self talk in your overactive mind about not being good or worthy enough quiets down and is replaced with a belief in being whole and complete. Rather than your usual of fear of diversity, you begin to see all differences as miraculous expressions of a benevolent Creator, as they are woven together in a tapestry of oneness. Anxious thoughts of scarcity dissolve into images of bountiful plenty, equally shared by all beings. From the core of creation, a feeling of abundance emanates out to the far reaches of the universe touching everyone like the classical sounds of a grand symphony.  With each new insight, you begin to understand that true power is not to dominate and control, but rather inherent power is our ability to co-create our reality and to do so with integrity and compassion. Feeling heartfelt gratitude for the gifts you have received in the labyrinth, you suddenly notice that your body is changing.  Your new body is becoming less dense and more translucent as you see yourself filled with luminous particles of ancient stardust, of which you have always been made, but until now, were not aware of.

A snowy owl flies down from a nearby star and lands softly on your shoulder whispering words of wisdom that tell you how to bring healing light back into a dark world in pain. With the reassuring presence of the owl on your shoulder, you pick up a staff, burning with a perpetual flame, and suddenly feel that same multi-colored flame ignite in your heart. As it burns away your sadness, you notice an ancient Sanskrit symbol that appears on your heart. The snowy owl tells you that this sacred symbol of love is written on the heart of everyone, but unfortunately most people are never aware of it.  Feeling grateful for this labyrinth experience, you turn to leave with a mission that has not only warmed your heart, but also awakened your soul. Following the path back to the entrance, you find it exciting to see so many other radiant beings also walking this same cosmic labyrinth while accepting their sacred role in manifesting hope. The teachings of the labyrinth have offered you, and indeed, all of humanity, a renewed sense of strength and purpose. With the clarity of your mission, you walk out of the labyrinth motivated to serve, finally fulfilling the destiny of your sacred contract.  

Passing through the stone portal as you leave the labyrinth back into the world, you and the snowy owl are joined by a silver wolf, wearing a gold necklace with the same Sanskrit symbol for love that appeared on your heart.  The wolf’s vivid blue eyes reveal a commitment to always guide you through any challenge.  She tells you her wolf presence in your Earth journey will always be a gentle reminder that nothing in the universe is static…. that everything is always evolving and expanding …. and that you will never stop learning and growing. It comforts you to know that you are not alone as you bring a new awareness to a troubled world. With your animal companions, you move forward inspired with a confidence that is nearly unshakeable. 

As you look around the world that was once so familiar, you notice that everything now looks different after your pilgrimage through the labyrinth. All forms, living and nonliving, are vibrating with a colorful energy making everything appear lit up and magical, as if in celebration.  The veil between the visible and invisible has become so thin that solid matter appears to be almost translucent. You can see the colorful stardust dancing within everyone. Even the exchange of the colors of love are visible to you. Formerly, it was believed that on the Earth only certain places were considered sacred sites. But now you realize that everything in the world emanates a spiritual light. As you gaze at the wonder of creation, it’s hard not to see a miracle everywhere you look. Yes, everything is holy now ….. everything.


  1. Carol, This is so beautiful and holy, yes, holy. Thank you for sharing your experience, strength and hope.


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