The Legend 

of the New Star         

"The Rebirth of Light" © 2020

Sisters of the Moon, there is a new story to be told. It’s a tale of the coming of a great and much needed change. It brings with it a different way of seeing ourselves and our relationship to all of creation. It speaks not of a hierarchy, but rather reveals the wondrous circle of oneness. As with all new growth, this seed of consciousness begins its germination in the midst of darkness.... just as everything seems to be at its very blackest.


After many years in a void - so ominous that when any glimmer of light appeared, it was quickly sucked up in a whirling black hole of suffering -  the whole world cried out in anguish for an unknown change in the fabric of time. It was at that moment when that little seed of change started to grow. In the black of the night sky, a full moon appeared as an orb of brilliant promise, illuminating the fears of the most vulnerable, as they they ceased their crying and watched in wonder. Out of that deep painful purple of emptiness, there emerged a beautiful image of a woman. She did not arrive, as women are expected to, with her head bowed in submission and her eyes cast downward. No, rather this woman’s presence was a grand sight of empowerment and great determination. Her eyes revealed an intent that was unmistakable as she wielded a luminous sword that reflected the promising light of that full moon.

A hush of anticipation filled the frightened world, as everyone watched her swing her sword, that glowed with the ancient knowledge of the Divine Feminine. She cut deep into that dark illusion that had shrouded the great vision of Truth on earth for thousands of years. People, who had long forgotten the possibility of goodness, shrank back expecting the end of all hope. However,  the woman’s silver sword was not a weapon meant to end life, but instead was an instrument whose purpose was to restore it. 

As rays of light were pouring out of the deep gash made in the darkness by her sword, eleven Moon energy centers within the woman began to spiral and glow as bright as that radiant lunar vision in the sky. The woman looked down at the people, who were staring at her in wonder, as she said, “No longer will I tolerate my rivers and seas to be polluted and my air and winged ones poisoned. I will not allow the sanctuary of my woodland creatures, who call the trees their home, to be stripped from the land by greed and ignorance. No, I will not permit another tree to be cut down in the name of profit when the loss is so much greater than any amount of money. No more will your Mother Earth be torn apart in search of coveted energy which can be freely acquired without such violence to her.”

As the woman spoke these words, all creatures of creation danced in harmony and balance receiving the blessing of this feminine energy.  The woman then raised her sword of Truth and swept away all the lies of scarcity that humanity had built its whole world upon. The ideas of plenty and gratitude moved up through the decay of deceit peeling it away like a snake shedding the skin that no longer fit its body. The fear that had been taught, keeping all in bondage, was transformed, as anger was replaced with compassion. The deep purple grief felt by the masses faded into the jubilant colors of joy. The desire to dominate and conquer fell away as peace inspired a grateful heart in all. From this moment on, no child would suffer by not knowing his or her worth. 

Now all eyes were open to the power of love rather than of hate. No person would ever try to hurt another to silence the intolerable pain of self loathing within. All creatures everywhere, both two legged and four, now had found their destined place in the family of things. No one was left out; no one felt abandoned. Rejoicing with the reassurance of this knowing, everyone began to sing a song of life that even awakened the angels.

That ancient message of peace and goodwill the angels had proclaimed so many years ago, had finally come to pass. As the angels celebrated this fulfillment, adding their words of hope to the music of humanity, the benevolence of their song filled up the vast cosmos with a great and wondrous star, much brighter than the one of long ago. But unlike that first stellar event, the light from this magnificent star was not alone in the sky. On this holy night, this wondrous star was made even brighter by the radiant aura shining from each and every person. And under the full moon that night, there was finally that promised peace on Earth, and in each heart there rested that long awaited message of goodwill to all.

Let it be so!


  1. I look forward to the day that we will all shine radiant auras to those around us and no one will feel left out or abandoned.


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