Fire Meditation

As I stare at the fire dancing over the logs, I am mesmerized watching the flames as they constantly change shape. There is no holding onto any form, as the fire moves back and forth in my campfire, radiating a welcome light and warmth. As the flames do their dance, they seem to consume the very substance that supports them, devouring the firewood that gives them life. Fire has the appearance of having form and substance, but that is just an illusion. In truth, fire is pure moving energy, changing whatever it touches. It creates an opening in the form it is breaking down through which more energy is released, ultimately rendering a transformation of both fire and wood. I watch a new form being created while I listen to the fire speak to me of the power of red and orange and blue and flickers of white. Fire teaches me that everything is energy and that all things change. It shows me that when things change they are not destroyed, rather they have just taken on a new form. So as the fire in me “burns” away what is no longer needed, I can now choose to trust that a new form is beginning to emerge. It’s just the transformative nature of things…. and me.


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