The Great Leap of Faith

Collage cover of CCFC journal

Under the bright glow of the full Flower Moon, with just enough light to illumine the jagged rocks below, I stand near the abyss of beckoning challenge contemplating my next move. I am all dressed up for a grand leap over the chasm and have assured myself of my safety, as I dare to sail across the great divide of promising change. But I hesitate as thoughts of possible unwelcome scenarios creep into the dark places of my mind.  The “what if’s” from the shadows start whispering to the part of me where fear resides. “You might get hurt … or even die”, they say. “Turn around before it’s too late!”, they warn.

While I am hesitating, a rustling sound below catches my attention, and I look down to see a familiar sight among the golden trees, illumined by the moon’s glow - Eartha Mama, my cherished bear companion. She stands tall among the trees, surrounded by blue towering mountains, while looking upward with her brown, compassionate eyes at my dilemma. 

“Come to the edge” Eartha calls to me.

“I’m afraid”, I reply. 

“Come to the edge!” she repeats to me again.

“No, I’m afraid”, I say once more.

But Eartha keeps beaming her message of challenge and encouragement to me continuously through her steady gaze upward. She then holds up her gold heart necklace and turns it slightly so that it reflects the moonbeams directly into my heart. Within my chest, my heart opens and lights up, shining like the precious gold of the midday sun. It radiates a confident knowing within me as I start to feel empowered. Soon my courage steps out of the shadows into the light, like a timid child unsure of herself. Taking hold of the small hand of my courage, I move cautiously toward the edge of the cliff and bravely make that great leap of faith into the unknown. As I feel myself falling, a mysterious force propels me forward, and I begin to fly freely across the canyon - hand in hand with my courage.

Those humans below in the canyon, who are still unaware of their right to dream, gazed up at me with awe and wonder, as I sail joyfully in front of the brilliantly lit moon with my victory flag fluttering in celebration. I took the daunting risk at the precipice and leaped into my power and flew! Now my destiny is assured. As I empower myself, I am also gifting the world. My courage is contagious. I AM unstoppable.

"Diving Right In"


  1. Unstoppable indeed! Love it! May we all heed the call of Eartha Mama!


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