
Showing posts from November, 2021
                               Unicorn to the Rescue! Unicorn to the Rescue © 2021 There are times in your life when you just need a unicorn, A reassuring force of goodness whose intention is so pure That no threat of darkness could ever diminish his light. When the weight of what life is asking of you Becomes a heavy burden that weighs down your spirit, That luminous, white unicorn can gallop in and offer a new vision - A way of living that is filled with wonder and wisdom instead of fear, A way of seeing grand opportunities instead of intimidating problems. Yes, this legendary creature can bring you a vision of hope for the future, Stretching your imagination to wondrous places it’s never been before. This creature of light can offer you a mystical experience   For shapeshifting what is no longer working in your life And inspire the courage to create a brand new picture of possibility. With a unicorn, you can create your very own symbols of power That open you to those intuitive gift
  "Up from the Ashes"  Sadly watching the facade of my old life pass away, I sit silently among the burning flames of my long-held perceptions of how things should be. The reality that I have always claimed as my truth has gone up in smoke, only existing as a smoldering memory of how things used to be. There is nothing left to hold onto, as I see the fire dance around an empty landscape, and I know my only choice appears to be letting go of what no longer is. Being surrounded by this barren place of destruction, I reluctantly begin to envision the possibility of some new creation. I witness the structures of my old beliefs as they burn to the ground clearing the way to make the rising sun more visible.   Resting in this unplanned spaciousness, I ground myself in a posture of “Wabi Sabi”, opening to the inevitability and wonder of this natural cycle of things. The beauty of this unwelcome awakening, rooted in Zen, offers itself to me unconditionally with generosity and compass