Unicorn to the Rescue!

Unicorn to the Rescue © 2021

There are times in your life when you just need a unicorn,

A reassuring force of goodness whose intention is so pure

That no threat of darkness could ever diminish his light.

When the weight of what life is asking of you

Becomes a heavy burden that weighs down your spirit,

That luminous, white unicorn can gallop in and offer a new vision -

A way of living that is filled with wonder and wisdom instead of fear,

A way of seeing grand opportunities instead of intimidating problems.

Yes, this legendary creature can bring you a vision of hope for the future,

Stretching your imagination to wondrous places it’s never been before.

This creature of light can offer you a mystical experience 

For shapeshifting what is no longer working in your life

And inspire the courage to create a brand new picture of possibility.

With a unicorn, you can create your very own symbols of power

That open you to those intuitive gifts asking to transform your life.

Upon invitation, the unicorn can open a doorway of magic to the cosmos,

Framed by fairies in flight and offering you a choice of a grand leap

Into an unknown adventure, promising  blessings beyond your limiting beliefs.

In daring to step through that mystical doorway, you can reconnect 

With your inner child and know it’s time once again to dance in the rain

And envision your journey as a miracle unfolding.

Smelling the fragrance of the purple clover and the lush green ferns,

You can now know that you belong here in the deep woods of the forest,

Not as merely as a witness of nature, but rather as an intimate part.

What happens to any aspect of this living network is felt by all, including you.

So here is the lesson that can be learned from this ancient archetype of light,

Whose only intention is to open hearts to new realms of loving and giving.

There is no separation and you are never alone with your pain.

Together we can work to dream in that new world of change that we need

And vow always to allow the mysteries of nature to nurture and inspire us.

Iridescent dragonflies dance above the pond like rainbows after a storm

And the soft sound of tiny bells signal the nearness of the unicorn.

He’s waiting for you in the wilderness of your heart.

Yes, there are definitely times when you really need a unicorn!


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