
Showing posts from May, 2021
    My Zoomer Muse "Zoomer Muse" © 2020 In accepting the challenge of teaching I nervously ask an intimidating computer, To be my left-brain and intelligent partner   In sharing the message of creativity to all. It’s mysterious collaborating with an inanimate muse, Who seems much smarter and worldly than me, And whose only relationship to any real humanness Appears like a complex algorithm of thought. My unpredictable muse can decide not to cooperate Without giving me any explanation whatsoever And refuse to react to my fear and frustration While behaving badly in a Zoom class unexpectedly. But this assistant teaches me the acceptance of limitation While freely offering an array of infinite possibilities. I am always awed by my brilliant Zoomer Muse                 My partner,                      my support,                             and best friend                                a teacher ever had!
  Seeing With the Heart "Seeing with the Heart" © 2018                                     “In their innocence and wisdom, in their connection to the earth and its most ancient rhythms, animals show us a way back to a home they have never left.”       ― Susan Chernak McElroy,  Animals As Teachers And Healers Animals have always been our best teachers. They demonstrate how to live in harmony and balance with nature, the best ways of relating to other animals and, most of all, how to love. One of the best animal teachers of love that I have experienced is Helen, a blind buffalo who is a resident of Lighthouse Farm Animal Sanctuary in Scio, Oregon.     Helen and me exchanging a little love! I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Helen at a fundraising party held at the farm several years ago where we were guided in painting a picture of her. Helen really loved all the attention she received from us, as she kept nudging us for one more gentle scratching of her nose. It was such
    Gift of the Jaguar                      "Gift of the Jaguar" © 2020         The radiant Blue Star illumines the darkness in the moonless North sky, Frozen and silent, yet appearing to be the ultimate source of all life. In fulfillment of its destiny, the star reveals the great quest awaiting humanity That will violently and completely transform the heart of fear in everyone. Turning South, the Crescent Moon invites light into a crimson colored sky, And a Red Star appears, as if signaling the beginning of a grand tournament. It creates vortices of scarlet energy whirling around so as to awaken everyone To the immediate challenge of committing to finally changing our ways. In the West, the light of the Gibbous Moon illuminates raging yellow fires Relentlessly consuming all life, like an angry, voracious dragon. It threatens to destroy everything we thought we ever needed, While leaving a void of expectation and grief in the smoldering ashes. In the midst of chaos anxious be
    “The Call of the Cosmos”                                                                                  "The Call of the Cosmos" © 2020 The universe is calling you to the gateway of change… to a path through an ancient stone archway with carved archetypal symbols that hold the same cosmic mystery you have deep within you. This pilgrimage beckons all souls who are willing to release old perceptions and beliefs that no longer function to sustain the web of life. Only those with courage to brave this unknown terrain are invited to make this arduous trek of transformation. As you begin to remember who you really are, you daringly move through the archway of this ancient rock portal. Before you lies a vast luminous labyrinth spiraling its way through the starry cosmos. Taking a step onto the star-filled path of this labyrinth, you sense a releasing of all the illusions that you thought defined you and your world. With each step forward toward the center, another illusion dr
     In the Footsteps of the Kalapuya She stood up abruptly, throwing down the newspaper - mass shootings, climate changes, animals endangered, and even a major source of oxygen going up in smoke in the flaming Amazon!   Sara found it difficult to breath, feeling weary reading such news.   She glanced at her art easel across the room that beckoned her with a blank white canvas. It mirrored back her difficulty in manifesting fresh ideas, and chastised her for lacking the motivation to even paint at all!   Pushing past that persistent reminder, Sara marched to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to find a diversion from this irritating reminder. But instead of a culinary escape, she was reminded of her procrastination to shop for groceries this week.   Turning quickly while slamming the refrigerator door, she tripped over her hiking boots, mud-crusted from last week’s hike and begging for attention.   Peering out the window she noticed an ominous, cloudy sky that threatened to rain a
    The Tools of Transformation:          Eyes, Heart & Brushes! As I was attempting unsuccessfully to calm my distressed inner child who was sobbing about the world’s latest disaster, my vibrant muse swept in. With her flaming red hair commanding attention and a look of delight emanating from her huge blue eyes, it was undoubtedly impossible to ignore her presence. Even my inner child stopped crying and looked up with expectation at my muse who was wearing a white radiant moonflower in her raven red hair. She was carrying a handful of brushes and waved them wildly, inviting both my inner child and me to engage in some creative fun.                                       Gesturing toward my studio, my muse, without asking, directed both of us to get up and move with her down a red carpet, which magically appeared and led toward a place where my blank white canvas and some luscious colors were awaiting us. Eager to escape our unhappiness, my inner child and I joined hands with my mu
  The Legend  of the New Star          "The Rebirth of Light" © 2020 Sisters of the Moon, there is a new story to be told. It’s a tale of the coming of a great and much needed change. It brings with it a different way of seeing ourselves and our relationship to all of creation. It speaks not of a hierarchy, but rather reveals the wondrous circle of oneness. As with all new growth, this seed of consciousness begins its germination in the midst of darkness.... just as everything seems to   be at its very blackest.                                                                                             After many years in a void - so ominous that when any glimmer of light appeared, it was quickly sucked up in a whirling black hole of suffering -   the whole world cried out in anguish for an unknown change in the fabric of time. It was at that moment when that little seed of change started to grow. In the black of the night sky, a full moon appeared as an orb of brilliant prom